St Barnabas Anglican Church Sermon Repository

To explore the sermons, click on the "sermons" link in the top right

What is the context these sermons are preached in?

These sermons are predominantly preached at the weekly church gatherings at St Barnabas Anglican Church Ingleburn.  They are preached by locals, for locals.  If you are not a regular attender of Barneys, by all means make the most of these resources, however please know that you are not the intended audience. 

Some sermons are from occasional events or services.

Who are they for?

We provide these sermons primarily for our regular attenders who wish to re-listen to sermons or catch up on missed ones.

Why is this site so different to your main website?

Long story.

Can I redistribute your sermon files?

Please don't.  If you want to link to this site, by all means do so, but the content on this site is provided for individual use only, not redistribution.

Can you please upload <x> sermon?

We are slowly working on uploading some of our back catalogue.  If you want a specific sermon done sooner, please contact us to request it.




All content on this site is (c) St Barnabas Anglican Church Ingleburn 2015.